Thursday, December 15, 2011

My Symptoms in Depth.

  • Tingling in my face, scalp, hands. - this occurs usually most in the morning on my face, but is always on going through out everyday. some days are worse than others.
  • Hurts to strain, sneeze, use the restroom etc.
  • Burning in hands and neck 
  • Head feels heavy - My head often feels "heavy" weighting down on my neck.
  • Head pains and neck pains/ my headaches - I have a daily persistent headache which is dull on a scale of 5 but then throughout the day, randomly I will get shooting pains for about 10 seconds or less. My headaches are not one sided and are not often "throbbing" type headaches. When I get shooting pains they are accompanied by the feeling of something pulling down on my head.
  • Fatigue - I always feel tired and have no energy, could be due to my vitamin deficiencies though.
  • Ears popping and pain- my ears have really been getting worse, popping and the pressure "feeling" really bugs me.
  • Eyes - I get a feeling that needles are poking my eyelids, it is so strange and painful. It feels like someone is stretching my eyelids. :( 
  • Facial Muscle Feeling - It is hard to describe but when I move my facial muscles, it is a tight feeling, it feels really forced and is sore when I do make a surprised facial expressions.
  • Facial pain - I wake up feeling like my face is bruised on the inside. My forehead, chin, and cheeks feel like I've been hit.
  • Feelingoff balance - often I feel off-balance. Not vertigo, as I dont feel like I am spinning but back and forth, like I am on a boat.
  • Shock like sensations, pricks - I get pin like sensations in my face,scalp, head, fingertips,neck.
  • Sometimes sore throat, feels weird when swallowing - At times its the back of my neck, but even the "front". I also feel like something is in my throat. I get jabs of pain in my throat all the time as well as my neck.
  • Base of skull soreness - I always have persistent soreness and pain in the back of my head/ where my neck and skull come together.
  • Sometimes jaw pain and tickling in ear with accompanied ear pressure - I do grind my teeth at night and wake up with them "stuck" together.

1 comment:

  1. hi
    i observed about 3-4 inch long gap in skull plates. i don`t know i am going to a neurosurgeon next week, but can you help me what is this
